Sep 30, 2015

Topcoat & Woven Hat

I apologize for being so busy this week.
Anyways, we have two new items.
Very pretty items. Too bad they don't look to great on animals, especially the hat. The topcoat looks pretty good on some animals, at least.

To make up for my absence, I an hosting a vote for a new segment. Here are the nominees...
○ Den Tips
☻ Allegiance
◘ New Jammer Tips

Pick your favorite and you could see it here!

Sep 26, 2015

Night of the Phantoms Item Bomb

Sorry for not posting yesterday, everyone. 
It was Friday, so I pretty much ate, set off a fire alarm, and went to sleep.
AJHQ has given us an item bomb of sorts with this bounty of new items.

Here we have the spooky balloons, ghost window, spooky lights, hula skirt, skull helm, phantom balloon, jack-o-lantern light fence thing, tiki lounge chair, tiki table, werewolf mask, and two items from Thursday.

Well, those probably aren't the real names, but whoopdeedoo.
Autocorrect corrected my whoopdidoo to whoopdeedoo...

Anyways, be sure to pick up the items you like; they usually get high demand once their gone.

Sep 23, 2015

Fall Fashion

Last post for tonight, everyone.
I have finally gotten around to our newest fashion post, and the theme is... Fall!!
As the leaves settle to the forest floor and the world turns to a fire, we all change with it.
This includes changing our style! Here are seven awesome outfits to inspire your own autumn look!
First, we have a handsome lion. He is wearing a white ribbon scarf and a red worn blanket.

No Photo Glitch

Sorry for delaying my fashion post for a few minutes, but I have to announce a glitch here on the Feather.

Images have not been running right due to delayed url.
Instead, you may be a blank space with a word or this image:
Walkway Nav
Cute birdy, eh?
Not so cute glitch, however.

I will have to manually change all photos back, so it may take a few days to get everything running.
Until then, I apologize.

Baseball Cleats and Tiki Table

I'm back from the show, everyone!
I proudly took first place in my category with a piece that very much fits our first item: "Sports Equipment." I didn't name it, luckily. If I had, it would probably have been something like "Colorful Balls" or "Deformed Sporty Things."

Now, for our items.
The Baseball Cleats, which I am not very much a fan of, and the Tiki Table, which I love.

That is it for now, but check our new fashion post after this!

Sep 21, 2015

Rare Bowler Hat RIM

Hello, everyone!
It is Monday, which means... RIMs!
Earlier today it was a rare dragon hat, but I think AJHQ decided to save that for later, so now we get, well, this...
Looks like the HQ fell asleep again.
Then they woke up with no creativity.
Then they gave us this instead of the dragon they dreamt of.

I will not be posting tomorrow because I have to go accept an award for an art contest, so I will be doing a fashion post later this week.

Sep 20, 2015

Shell Armor, Hats & Boots

Hey, everyone.
Grr, haven't posted all weekend. Here are the items we missed.
L to R: Shell Armor, Shell Helmet, Baseball Cap, Ten Gallon Hat, Camouflage Boots

I like these items, but I have to go know.
See you tomorrow!

Sep 17, 2015

Jamaa Journal #155

Sorry for the late post, everyone. I had to take my dogs to the vet.

Today I will begin with some new items that have come out since my last post.
Here we have the Wizard Hat and With Hat. Is it just me, or are these shaded differently? Anyways, a few minutes before this post we got this little message...
Which, after clicking yes, seemed to take that hats from stores. My Animal Jam froze up in the new world, so I am not sure if they have returned.

Next, we have the ever-coveted jack-o-lanterns and their funny faces. Just some more reminders that summer is gone and we are well on our way to Night of the Phantoms.

Those faces! }:D C: :O
 Next, an item I seem to have missed, the returning gold sword. It is also the 25th new item photo shown on the blog. Yay!

Lastly for the items, we have the return of the Flaming Jack-O'-Lantern Mask. I think someone up at HQ had a little too much coffee...

Now, the update.
Some big news over in the Diamond Shop has stirred commotion with the adorable Pet Elephants!

We also have the return of Wind Armor in the Diamond Shop.

We have Lynx Mini Books too. Saly, I have not captured a photo of one. They are super cool, though. Check them out in the Chamber.

Our trading system has had an epic change. We can now trade up to TWENTY items! This will greatly improve the system.

Rhino Day is coming soon! For the celebration, Rhinos will be 500 Gems on September 22nd!

With all this great news, we sadly have the news of traveling 'roos. Hopefully they will return with some big news...

We also have some trading tips from AJHQ!
This is some great advice to go along with the update. Be sure to trade fairly and never scam or be scammed!

Lastly, we have the first taste of Night of the Phantoms! I cannot wait for this event, which is one of my favorite in all of Jamaa! I have even created my costume already. Say hello to my Lynx Dragon!

Jam on, y'all.

Sep 15, 2015

Glass Shelves

Hey, everyone.
Sorry for the lack of post yesterday. Long story short, I temporarily cannot hear out of my left ear.
Anyways, we have a new item today: Glass Shelves.
I love them, yay.
Bicycles are leaving today. Good for me, for I no longer have to look at them and remember how some kids ride bikes, and I was given a four-wheeler at five years. My childhood was awesome.

This Week's Predicted Lineup
◘Wednesday & Thursday - New Item Posts
♥ Friday -  New Items & Fashion
☺ Saturday - New Items & Den Tips
♦ Sunday - New Item & Animal Conservation Support Post

Sep 13, 2015

(I'm Back) Three New Items!

Sorry for not being here for three days, hehe.
Well, I am back now, and so are three returning items.
Here we have the tie-dye shirt, pillbox hat, and leaf pile. 
I love all of these items, so yay!

I believe that is all for now, since really I don't have too many followers here. Do you guys think I should still hold author auditions or not? Eh, I'll figure something out.

Sep 10, 2015

Maple Leaf Rug & Author Audition Heads-Up

Hello, everyone!
I cannot talk today due to my throat, but that will not stop me here.
Let's get straight to the new item: The Maple Leaf Rug.

[Insert Bad Canadian Joke Here, Haha]

I really like this returning item. I still have two from the past, and I use them in a lot of dens.

Now, for something some of you are probably wanting...
I will be hosting author auditions soon!
Keep on a look out for auditions. I will be looking for the following in new authors...

  • Will be able to be on at least five days a week.
  • Will be kind to others when posting.
  • Will not argue with viewers.
  • Will not say ugly things in their posts.
  • Will use appropriate grammar.
  • Will use appropriate word spelling.
  • Will never use profanity.
  • Will make their posts kind and easy to read.
  • Will be imaginative, witty, and uplifting through any and all posts.
If you meet these standards and would like to try out, check back daily to see when I will be holding auditions. :)

Sep 9, 2015

Glitchy Speaker

Good Evening, everyone.
Procrastination here, hehe.
I have been sick since yesterday (grr), I had to take my dog to the vet for his allergies, and I had to go to my mother's studio, so I didn't post today. Anyways, we have a new item.

Not that bad, actually. This one could definitely be used in a dance club or party.

Sorry for the short post; I promise I will get some longer posts up when I am not laying in bed taking enough medicine to fill a bad-taste buffet. Bye, everyone.

Sep 8, 2015

Glitchy Wall Clock

Good evening, friends. Good morning far away friends. Good afternoon far, far away friends.

Today has been a busy day, and I have been unable to manage time very well. Sadly, it seems my clock is glitched...
That's right, everyone; Today's new item is the glitchy wall clock.
I personally am not flattered by the design, but it is the only item I could see so far belonging outside of the glitchy set.

No, I totally did not just almost draw a clock beginning a grand adventure away from the rest of the clock-tribe to find a new land...

Anywho, that is it. Hopefully I will be able to get everything I need to in tomorrow's post. :)

Fly High, Jammer-Landers!

(Free imaginary cookie for whoever gets that reference.)

Sep 7, 2015

Glitchy Bookshelf & Tavie Necklace RIM

Osiyo, Everyone!
Today we have two new items.
First up, we have the glitchy bookshelf.
Like I have said before, I am not really a big fan of this item set, but this piece looks pretty cool. I love how it combines some vintage hardbacks with a glitchy modern shelf for a super cool feel.

Now, for our second item. we have the Rare Tavie Necklace.
I really like seeing an underwater RIM, especially a dolphin-related one. I bought two.
Speaking of RIMs and two, we still have two RIMs in store. Be sure to check those out, too.

Over on the AJS, 
Tigerlypaws has returned recently. Coincidentally, I have something author-related coming soon, too... ;)

Sep 6, 2015

New Den Set Items

Sorry for the delay of posting, everyone.
I have been busy since Friday, so I haven't had time to post, but I have got time today.
So, today we have three new items that have come out since my last post.
L - R: Glitchy Portrait, Glitchy Portal, Glitchy Rug

I'm not really a big fan of this den item set; they don't go with any other den items.
I guess they would go well in the Sol Arcade Den, though.

In other news, I am almost done with the logo. It should be out later this week.

Sep 3, 2015

Meet My Sister

Few of you know this, but I have a younger sister who also plays Animal Jam.
Left: My Sister Right: The Amazing and Awesome Me

She really wanted to be featured on the blog, so here she is. Say hello to my sister, everyone!
She is happy to see you all and I hope to talk about her more on this blog.

The Lynx Update!

Squee! Hello, Jammers!
Today is the big day; the lynx spirit stone has come to Jamaa, and all members can now transform into this awesome small-cat!
Sadly, they are even a Diamond Purchase for me. Luckily, I have 32 diamonds, I will be getting another lynx, and I visit my uncle in a big city tomorrow where I can get more gift cards.
In the meantime, look at those tufts! Yee! Found my new favorite AJ animal if it doesn't become Arctic Wolf popular.

Sep 2, 2015

Cat Fashion & One More Day!

Hello, everyone!
I had recharged from last night's sketchy post, and I bring you a new fashion post today.
Since lynxes come out tomorrow (OMZ!), our theme is Cats of all Kinds!
For a list of the next themes, check at the bottom.
Now, let's get going...

Sep 1, 2015

September Items: Sapphire and Aster

You have not been forgotten, just left behind for a few hours.
It is really late, so this will be short and have a lot of mistakes.

It is September now, so we have our new birthstone and monthly flower, which I could not go get a picture of because I had to do stuff with a friend and then get off. In its place, we have some sloppy writing.

It's been a long day... Bye, everyone, and see you tomorrow.
Or later today.
I don't even know...