Oct 4, 2015

URGENT: No Posts until Tuesday

There has been a huge flood here and most houses are without power.
Because mine could be one of them, I want to take precaution by alerting you all first that I may not be able to post until Tuesday, possibly Wednesday, if the rain doesn't let up.

To elaborate on how bad it is, our entire driveway (dirt) and cow pasture are underwater.
My crazy uncle started his boat in case he needs it. He also has nailed a couch some wooden planks and attached pontoons to them if he need that.
Only my grandmother, my little sister, and I are home, for my older sister, brother, and my parents are stuck at a football game they went to last night. They can't get home because the dams have broken up there and everything is underwater.
We can't even flush toilets because ou septic tanks are underwater. It is disgusting.
School is out and all stores, churches, and public buildings are closed.

It's really bad, and I hope you all understand.

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