Welcome to me and welcome to you!
This is the Animal Jam Feather Blog
This blog is devoted to helping your Animal Jam experience become extraordinary by providing you with the latest tips, tricks, fashion, items, news, and more!
As for me, I am known here as Hurricane and DolphinGirl2424, my AJ name. Why am I known as Hurricane? Well, that is my Disqus name and it helps clarify things when commenting. I will also use Hurricane as my author name in posts. In my real life, I am a young girl studying to become a marine biologist. I have loved animals my entire life and I have been a member of Animal Jam since late 2010. I live in a rural place with four dogs, a cat, a donkey, and many cows. I love nature and hope to help you bring out what you love through Animal Jam. In my Animal Jam life, however, I am a big cat named Professor Magical Brave-pride Templecat and I own a college. My father studied phantoms for a living and inspired me to teach his studies in my college, while my mother owned a cafe, which I occasionally manage when my younger sister cannot. Yes, my Animal Jam life is that complicated, haha. Feel free to meet me on Animal Jam to befriend me or just hang out.
Now, less about me and more about my blog. The Animal Jam Feather was inspired by two other blogs, the Animal Jam Oak and the infamous Animal Jam Spirit Blog. I am a proud part of the community of both of these blogs and I am very active in all three communities- The Feather, The Oak, and The Spirit. However, this is not just for blogging; I have my movement too. I have started what is currently known as "The Allegiance," but I will come up with a cooler name later. Right now, there are only two members of it- Me and LynxesandBobcats. In the Allegiance, we help Jammers get to know the Guardian Spirits, help New Jammers, and just try to make Jamaa a better place. If you would like to join, please alert me and I will check to see if I want to accept you. Now, I will not always just post serious stuff like that here. I also want to do a lot of AJ fashion. While beauty radiates from the inside more than anything, it can be hard to convey that on AJ since almost everyone seems to look the same. I have noticed an overabundance of Arctic Wolves wearing Spike Collars, Top Hats, Worn Blankets, and any Rare Items they can find. While you can find these in your favorite colors, why not try to find some other items that aren't used as much, but still look good? Well, I did just that and I want to help spread it through this blog.
That's it for now, so this is Hurricane, signing out.