Aug 31, 2015

Blog Progress

I was checking through my stats today and got so excited!
It seems my little blog is doing better than I hoped.
We had twenty pageviews yesterday, with a record of around thirty.
Our current total is 435 views!
Here is a fun little map about who is visiting the blog.
If you see your country in faint green, you might be the reason it is green at all, so be proud.
Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
Thank you all for visiting my blog in its childhood. :)

RIM: Rare Square Glasses

 'Ello, everyone!
Today's new item is the Rare Item Monday Rare Square Glasses.
It is sold in Jam Mart Clothing for 650 gems.

Hey, have you ever sort of felt like Jam Mart was sort of like a fancy Wal-Mart, or do you feel like it is a mall or chain of different store types?
I feel like it is an outdoor mall, personally, but that is something to think about.

Aug 30, 2015

Epic Train Set & Party Glitch

Another day, another post,
Today we have a new item, the Epic Train Set.
It has a goat. GOAT.
I really like this; it matches the robot and brings AJ back to the children.

 Also, a pretty sad glitch today. Seriously. AJ? I can't even party now???
Well, that is it for now. Don't forget to check out the Mascot Color Contest, open to anyone.
Oh, and now guests can comment on posts too, now. Yay!

Aug 29, 2015

The Mascot Color Contest!

Hello, readers!
I have finally almost finished the logo for the site, but I hit a bump in the road.
My problem? I can't figure out which color to use! 
Since I am not one to aggravate myself with this, I decided to make it fun and host a contest for the color of our mascot and the feathers that I will be adding to her dreamcatcher.

Chain Necklaces

Hello, everyone.
Only six visits in the past two days, sadly, but I think a little post may boost that.
Aye, everyone has to start somewhere, right?

Anywho, today we have two new twin items: the silver chain necklace, and the gold chain necklace.
Pretty popular, I must say. I made a necklace of my own today. It is a nice little silver chain with a cross pendant showing Jesus dying on it. I really like it, and I think I may make some necklaces out of the gems I found in my yard. Enough blabbering about me, though.

Do any of you have ideas for posts when there are no new items?

Aug 26, 2015

Steampunk Monocle

No views today, I see. Maybe a new item post will change that...

Today we have a new kind of eyewear in stores, the Steampunk Monocle.
Pretty cool, but I think it is underused. Maybe ya'll could start a roleplay or create a steampunk-style animal? Hmm, I think I just found an idea for my new fashion post.

Also, happy Dog Day!

Aug 24, 2015

Sneak Peek at my Logo!

As you all know, this site is only a few days old, and I want to start off with a personality and look for it. As such, I am creating a logo, so take a look at this sketch of it.
The black will not be there in the final logo, of course, and it will look a lot better than this. The main idea of it is a bobcat with a dreamcatcher in her mouth bounding over the word "Feather."
As with any good logo, it will change over time, but I hope you will all like this first one.

Any tips or comments? :)

Rare Wristwatch

'Ello, everyone!
Today we have a Rare Item Monday, the Rare Wristwatch!
Good lookin' and cheap?!
It's like the man every woman wishes se could date, haha.

Not me. I hate love. Get away. Neh.

So, looks like that is it today. Any thoughts, my flock?

Aug 23, 2015

Barrett and Baby Rubber Plant

Yee, sorry for the dormancy.
AJ has been kind of wishy-washy lately and I've had a lot to do.
Anyways, the barrett returned today and I missed the baby rubber plant that must've come out around Friday, but I found it today.
Sorry for the bad quality; I just grabbed some pics and but 'em up.

Oh, before I tie this up, I want to give everyone a little heads-up that I am currently designing a logo, so the blog will look a bit more professional soon (I hope).

Aug 22, 2015

Midnight Post: Fancy Toy Robot

Forgive me if I make any errors here; I am in bed at midnight and I just happened to find the new item.

Aug 21, 2015

Something Important

I couldn't find a new item today and I didn't want to not post today, so I decided to turn my attention to something more important. Afterall, Animal Jam is about friendship and conservation, and I want my blog to focus on that, so here are some thoughts...

Aug 20, 2015

Late update!

Animal Jam has just released a late Jamaa Journal!

It includes a new adventure starring the overlooked monkey shaman/alpha, Graham, on the headline page.
There is also a new party to 'celebrate' going back to school, and an announcement on Play Wild, which includes a video. Play Wild to me is kind of like Feral Heart and Animal Jam had an ugly baby, but that is just my opinion.
The awesome Snow Leopards have returned, so now you can all get all the muscled cats you want.

The biggest update, of course, is... LYNXES!!!
I don't know if you can tell yet, but lynxes are my favorite small cat and second favorite feral cat, only topped by Snow Leopards. The video along with them is rally cute, but I really hope AJHQ spreads awareness that there is a current species of lynx that may soon be the first modern wild cat to go extinct. Since we are on the verge of the sixth mass extinction, which I will talk about more in a later post, we really need to spread the awareness.

Aside from that big news, we also have a cool new tool with the achievements. If you have yet to, check it out.
There is also a new video on bees and an ad for bee pets, but that is all for this one.

Jam on, y'all!

Dog Plushies & My First Day Back at School

Hello again, readers! Sadly, the new update did not arrive today. However, we do have some otheer news, even though it is pretty minor. Today we have a cute pair of items sold in the summer carnival, the puppy plushies.
Oddly shaped, but they are cute. The little one is great for filling up shelves in your bedroom and such. 

On a personal note, it was my first day back at school today. It was only a half-day (8:00 to 11:30, I believe), but it was the longest half-day of my life. Well, at least I don't go to one of the public schools, which started last week with a strait week of full school days. Once again, I am so thankful that my parents have the money to get me into a nice, Christian, private school. As such, however, I am officially hiring moderators to keep up with anything I miss. If you want to help, click here. I believe that is it for today, so farewell until the next update.

Aug 19, 2015

AJS Just got a leaked update, and it has LYNXES!!!

I just checked the Animal Jam SPirit and they have the coolest thing!
Check it out: AJS Update

Play Wild Release

Welcome back again, my small quantity of readers! This post is a bit late for the topic, but I figured that there is nothing else to post about and I would not want any of you waiting for a post.

Wildworks has released Play Wild in the app store! I haven't gotten it quite yet, but I will be sure to later today when my devices are actually charged, hehe. Anyways, here are some pictures from it I discovered on the Google.
A photo album with credit to the AJ Spirit Blog

Aug 18, 2015

Starry Fashion

My first fashion post went pretty well, so I decided to do another. This one is based on the night sky and all the things out there. I hope you enjoy these *cough cough* out of this world designs.
First off, we have a fashion created by a viewer of the blog that seems to fit with the theme. This beautiful bunny by Mustacheminion is wearing a star hat, blue ribbon scarf, and diamond encrusted gauntlets and tail that match perfectly with the sky-blue and yellow star-patterned fur. Oh, and did I mention it is nonmember?

New Areca Palm Plant and More on the Allegiance

Hello, readers! Second day of this blog and it seems to be running fairly smooth, hooray!
Today we have an awesome new item, the Areca Palm.
Not too far off from the real thing, but the leaves are rounder and it seems kind of short for the species. I do like that we are getting some more plants, though.

In Feather News, I have some more information on the Allegiance.

Aug 17, 2015

Wanting to Moderate?

I have had several requests already from people wanting to become a member of staff. Currently, I am not taking these requests directly, but I can add you to a list of interested people for when I do offer some little jobs here, which I am planning to do towards the holidays (October Soonest). However, I am going to give it three days to see how things go before I set anything in stone. If you would like to be added to the list of interest, please tell me the following:

Nonmember Fashion

This is my very first AJ fashion post, so I decided to do it for all Jammers. Enjoy!
This first one is a sort of faded patriotic theme. All I used was the red ribbon scarf and my pet bee, which I was actually just too lazy to remove. The eyes could be any color; I just went with the dull purple because it fit with the other colors.


Welcome to me and welcome to you!
This is the Animal Jam Feather Blog
This blog is devoted to helping your Animal Jam experience become extraordinary by providing you with the latest tips, tricks, fashion, items, news, and more!

As for me, I am known here as Hurricane and DolphinGirl2424, my AJ name. Why am I known as Hurricane? Well, that is my Disqus name and it helps clarify things when commenting. I will also use Hurricane as my author name in posts. In my real life, I am a young girl studying to become a marine biologist. I have loved animals my entire life and I have been a member of Animal Jam since late 2010. I live in a rural place with four dogs, a cat, a donkey, and many cows. I love nature and hope to help you bring out what you love through Animal Jam. In my Animal Jam life, however, I am a big cat named Professor Magical Brave-pride Templecat and I own a college. My father studied phantoms for a living and inspired me to teach his studies in my college, while my mother owned a cafe, which I occasionally manage when my younger sister cannot. Yes, my Animal Jam life is that complicated, haha. Feel free to meet me on Animal Jam to befriend me or just hang out.

Now, less about me and more about my blog. The Animal Jam Feather was inspired by two other blogs, the Animal Jam Oak and the infamous Animal Jam Spirit Blog. I am a proud part of the community of both of these blogs and I am very active in all three communities- The Feather, The Oak, and The Spirit. However, this is not just for blogging; I have my movement too. I have started what is currently known as "The Allegiance," but I will come up with a cooler name later. Right now, there are only two members of it- Me and LynxesandBobcats. In the Allegiance, we help Jammers get to know the Guardian Spirits, help New Jammers, and just try to make Jamaa a better place. If you would like to join, please alert me and I will check to see if I want to accept you. Now, I will not always just post serious stuff like that here. I also want to do a lot of AJ fashion. While beauty radiates from the inside more than anything, it can be hard to convey that on AJ since almost everyone seems to look the same. I have noticed an overabundance of Arctic Wolves wearing Spike Collars, Top Hats, Worn Blankets, and any Rare Items they can find. While you can find these in your favorite colors, why not try to find some other items that aren't used as much, but still look good? Well, I did just that and I want to help spread it through this blog.

That's it for now, so this is Hurricane, signing out.